
ExifLib 简化了 .NET 应用读取图片 EXIF 标签数据的过程。

Exif Lib - test application


using ExifLib;
// Instantiate the reader
ExifReader reader = new ExifReader(@"C:\temp\testImage.jpg");

// Extract the tag data using the ExifTags enumeration
DateTime datePictureTaken;
if (reader.GetTagValue<DateTime>(ExifTags.DateTimeDigitized, 
                                    out datePictureTaken))
    // Do whatever is required with the extracted information
    MessageBox.Show(this, string.Format("The picture was taken on {0}", 
       datePictureTaken), "Image information", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

ExifLib 也可通过 NuGet 获取。

转载自: https://www.oschina.net/p/exiflib