
OpenH264 是思科公司发布的一个开源的 H.264 编码和解码器。


  • Constrained Baseline Profile up to Level 5.2 (4096x2304)

  • Arbitrary resolution, not constrained to multiples of 16x16

  • Rate control with adaptive quantization, or constant quantization

  • Slice options: 1 slice per frame, N slices per frame, N macroblocks per slice, or N bytes per slice

  • Multiple threads automatically used for multiple slices

  • Temporal scalability up to 4 layers in a dyadic hierarchy

  • Spatial simulcast up to 4 resolutions from a single input

  • Long Term Reference (LTR) frames

  • Memory Management Control Operation (MMCO)

  • Reference picture list modification

  • Single reference frame for inter prediction

  • Multiple reference frames when using LTR and/or 3-4 temporal layers

  • Periodic and on-demand Instantaneous Decoder Refresh (IDR) frame insertion

  • Dynamic changes to bit rate, frame rate, and resolution

  • Annex B byte stream output

  • YUV 4:2:0 planar input


  • Constrained Baseline Profile up to Level 5.2 (4096x2304)

  • Arbitrary resolution, not constrained to multiples of 16x16

  • Single thread for all slices

  • Long Term Reference (LTR) frames

  • Memory Management Control Operation (MMCO)

  • Reference picture list modification

  • Multiple reference frames when specified in Sequence Parameter Set (SPS)

  • Annex B byte stream input

  • YUV 4:2:0 planar output


  • Windows 64-bit and 32-bit (initial release is only 32-bit, 64-bit will follow soon)

  • Mac OS X 64-bit (initial release does not include this target, will follow soon)

  • Linux 64-bit and 32-bit (initial release is only 32-bit, 64-bit will follow soon)

  • Android 32-bit (initial release does not include this target, will follow soon)

  • iOS 64-bit and 32-bit (not supported yet, may be added in the future)


  • Intel x86 optionally with MMX/SSE (no AVX yet, help is welcome)

  • ARMv7 optionally with NEON (initial release does not include this target, will follow later)

  • Any architecture using C/C++ fallback functions

转载自: https://www.oschina.net/p/openh264