• 作者:Alexandre Koyre
  • 分类: 科学

During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries a radical change occurred in the patterns and framework of European thought. In the wake of discoveries through the telescope and Copernican theory, the notion of an ordered cosmos of 'fixed stars' gave way to that of a universe infinite in both time and space - with significant and far-reaching consequences for human thought. Alex...


During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries a radical change occurred in the patterns and framework of European thought. In the wake of discoveries through the telescope and Copernican theory, the notion of an ordered cosmos of 'fixed stars' gave way to that of a universe infinite in both time and space - with significant and far-reaching consequences for human thought. Alexandre Koyre interprets this revolution in terms of the change that occurred in our conception of the universe and our place in it and shows the primacy of this change in the development of the modern world.

作者亚历山大•柯瓦雷(1892-1964),俄裔法国哲学家、科学史家。在科学史方面,柯瓦雷享有不亚于科学史之父乔治•萨顿的地位。柯瓦雷的著作和他在普林斯顿研究院的科学史讲座,揭示了一种新的科学史研究方法,它不同于萨顿百科全书式的大综合,而是以科学思想为线索从整体上展现科 学史,从而使科学史研究具备了极强的思想魅力,吸引了一大群富有才华的学子转向科学史并将之引为毕生的事业。柯瓦雷及其科学思想史学派所描绘的关于“科学革命”的雄伟画卷,深深地影响了并且至今仍强烈地影响着一般社会受众。换言之,为社会受众所普遍接受的是柯瓦雷式的科学史。



作者亚历山大•柯瓦雷(1892-1964),俄裔法国哲学家、科学史家。在科学史方面,柯瓦雷享有不亚于科学史之父乔治•萨顿的地位。柯瓦雷的著作和他在普林斯顿研究院的科学史讲座,揭示了一种新的科学史研究方法,它不同于萨顿百科全书式的大综合,而是以科学思想为线索从整体上展现科 学史,从而使科学史研究具备了极强的思想魅力,吸引了一大群富有才华的学子转向科学史并将之引为毕生的事业。柯瓦雷及其科学思想史学派所描绘的关于“科学革命”的雄伟画卷,深深地影响了并且至今仍强烈地影响着一般社会受众。换言之,为社会受众所普遍接受的是柯瓦雷式的科学史。
