Existential psychology examines how people deal with the biggest issues - such as finding meaning in life and facing death. It deals with many of the same problems as psychoanalysis and analytical psychology, but emphasises the view that one can understand the life of another by listening to their way of seeing existence andopening up their ‘phenomenal world’. As a therapeutic ...


Existential psychology examines how people deal with the biggest issues - such as finding meaning in life and facing death. It deals with many of the same problems as psychoanalysis and analytical psychology, but emphasises the view that one can understand the life of another by listening to their way of seeing existence andopening up their ‘phenomenal world’. As a therapeutic approach it isrecognised by the British Psychological Society and taughton a number ofcourses. This introductory text discusses all the main contemporary theories of existential psychology, and illustrates them with case examples. Practical implications for clinical work are considered, and comparisons with other approaches such as humanistic psychotherapy are made throughout.

博•雅各布森(Bo Jacobsen),哥本哈根大学社会学系存在主义和社会学研究中心的教授。他的研究领域是存在主义心理学。他拥有两个博士学位,并负责几个关于心理学和存在议题的研究项目,如关于癌症患者的心理问题和存在反思的一个密集性质性研究。他也是一位执业心理学家、存在主义心理治疗师和督导。他写了大量关于心理学和存在议题的文章和书籍,这些作品深刻而迷人。他在伦敦和整个欧陆都做过存在主义心理学和心理治疗的演讲。他的使命是发展心理学和心理治疗的人性和存在的维度。他打算以此来激发人类变得更为率真并相互帮助。