• 作者:Julien S. Bourrelle
  • 分类: 文化

This is your Social Guidebook to Norway. It takes you through an illustrated Norwegian journey. This guidebook is not about typical Norwegian behaviours. It is about behaviours that are peculiar to Norwegians. Foreigners will fast forward their adaptation. Norwegians will learn how their behaviours may be perceived

The guidebook is rooted in the author's experience helping Norw...


This is your Social Guidebook to Norway. It takes you through an illustrated Norwegian journey. This guidebook is not about typical Norwegian behaviours. It is about behaviours that are peculiar to Norwegians. Foreigners will fast forward their adaptation. Norwegians will learn how their behaviours may be perceived

The guidebook is rooted in the author's experience helping Norwegian organizations benefit from diversity. Julien S. Bourrelle held several board positions in Norway. He is educated as a rocket scientist and lived in a variety of cultures. He is on leave from his doctoral degree to hold lectures, workshops and courses around the country bridging cultural gaps in businesses and universities.

«This is a book providing a roadmap to Norway. It presents Norwegian behaviours in an entertaining and purposeful manner» - Birgit Skarstein, Curator of Global Shapers Oslo and World Champion

«Funny and good insights into the complicated Norwegian culture. Recommend - also for Norwegians!» - Maria Amelie, journalist and writer

«Concise, entertaining and eye-opening. You see your own behaviours from the outside.» - Erik Villum, Alarga Founder and Chairman

Julien S. Bourrelle (født 13. juli 1982 i Montreal i Canada) er en kanadisk forfatter og rakettforsker.[1]

Han skrev i 2014 boken The Social Guidebook to Norway: An Illustrated Introduction.

Bourrelle er sivilingeniør fra McGill University i Canada. I tillegg til dette har han to Master of Science innen astrodynamikk fra Det tekniske universitet i München og Universidad Politéc...


Julien S. Bourrelle (født 13. juli 1982 i Montreal i Canada) er en kanadisk forfatter og rakettforsker.[1]

Han skrev i 2014 boken The Social Guidebook to Norway: An Illustrated Introduction.

Bourrelle er sivilingeniør fra McGill University i Canada. I tillegg til dette har han to Master of Science innen astrodynamikk fra Det tekniske universitet i München og Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.

Han flyttet til Norge i 2009 for å starte doktorgrad ved Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU), men avslutte uten å fullføre kvalifikasjonen. I forbindelse med doktorgradsavhandlingen ved NTNU var Bourrelle leder for doktorgradskandidatens interesseorganisasjon ved NTNU (DINO) i 2012.