• 作者:Manuel Lima
  • 分类: 设计

Our ability to generate information now far exceeds our capacity to understand it. Finding patterns and making meaningful connections inside complex data networks has emerged as one of the biggest challenges of the twenty-first century. In recent years, designers, researchers, and scientists have begun employing an innovative mix of colors, symbols, graphics, algorithms, and in...


Our ability to generate information now far exceeds our capacity to understand it. Finding patterns and making meaningful connections inside complex data networks has emerged as one of the biggest challenges of the twenty-first century. In recent years, designers, researchers, and scientists have begun employing an innovative mix of colors, symbols, graphics, algorithms, and interactivity to clarify, and often beautify, the clutter. From representing networks of friends on Facebook to depicting interactions among proteins in a human cell, Visual Complexity presents one hundred of the most interesting examples of information-visualization by the field's leading practitioners.

Manuel Lima是世界顶级信息可视化的布道者,他建立的网站VisualComplexity.com是当今最有影响力的信息可视化图库之一.他曾任微软必应产品用户体验部的高级设计主管,是Royal Society of Arts 会员,被美国Creativity杂志评为“2009年最具创新性和影响力的50个人物”.他经常在世界范围内的技术大会上演讲,如TED、Lift、OFFF、Reboot、VizThink、IxDA Interaction等,还在各类高等院校举办讲座,如Royal College of Art、NYU Tisch School of the Arts、ENSAD Paris、University of Amsterdam、MediaLab Prado Madrid等.译者简介杜明翰求学于丹麦哥本哈根、上海同济,敲着代码、画着图也...


Manuel Lima是世界顶级信息可视化的布道者,他建立的网站VisualComplexity.com是当今最有影响力的信息可视化图库之一.他曾任微软必应产品用户体验部的高级设计主管,是Royal Society of Arts 会员,被美国Creativity杂志评为“2009年最具创新性和影响力的50个人物”.他经常在世界范围内的技术大会上演讲,如TED、Lift、OFFF、Reboot、VizThink、IxDA Interaction等,还在各类高等院校举办讲座,如Royal College of Art、NYU Tisch School of the Arts、ENSAD Paris、University of Amsterdam、MediaLab Prado Madrid等.译者简介杜明翰求学于丹麦哥本哈根、上海同济,敲着代码、画着图也开着咖啡厅,更愿意是一个会创造的desigineer(designer+engineer).现于创新工场专注体验设计与产品咨询.着迷服务设计、产品设计、媒体艺术等.个人网站:minghan.me.陈楚君美国卡耐基梅隆大学信息设计在读研究生,中山大学传播与设计学院毕业.做过实习记者、媒体策划,但更热衷于在各种类型的非营利组织做设计和翻译.感兴趣的领域包括信息设计、用户体验、设计教育和社会创新等.个人网站:joychen.info.