• 作者:[澳] 唐纳德·狄侬 (Donald Denoon) 等主编 张勇
  • 分类: 政治学


唐纳德•狄侬(Donald Denoon),剑桥大学博士,现为澳大利亚国立大学太平洋地区研究院(Research School of Pacific Studies)太平洋岛屿史荣誉教授(Emeritus Professor of Pacific Islands History),著有Southern Africa Since 1800;Settler Capitalism: The Dynamics of Dependent Development in the Southern Hemisphere;Getting Under the Skin: the Bougainville Copper Agreement and the Creation of the Panguna Mine等。



唐纳德•狄侬(Donald Denoon),剑桥大学博士,现为澳大利亚国立大学太平洋地区研究院(Research School of Pacific Studies)太平洋岛屿史荣誉教授(Emeritus Professor of Pacific Islands History),著有Southern Africa Since 1800;Settler Capitalism: The Dynamics of Dependent Development in the Southern Hemisphere;Getting Under the Skin: the Bougainville Copper Agreement and the Creation of the Panguna Mine等。
