This volume contains the four essays that Spencer published as The Man Versus the State in 1884 as well as five essays added by later publishers. In addition, it provides "The Proper Sphere of Government", an important early essay by Spencer. Spencer develops various specific disastrous ramifications of the wholesale substitution of the principle of compulsory co-operation -- ...


This volume contains the four essays that Spencer published as The Man Versus the State in 1884 as well as five essays added by later publishers. In addition, it provides "The Proper Sphere of Government", an important early essay by Spencer. Spencer develops various specific disastrous ramifications of the wholesale substitution of the principle of compulsory co-operation -- the statist principle -- for the individualist principle of voluntary co-operation. His theme is that "there is in society...that beautiful self-adjusting principle which will keep all its elements in equilibrium...The attempt to regulate all the actions of a community by legislation will entail little else but misery and compulsion".

赫伯特·斯宾塞Herbert Spencer,1820年4月27日-1903年12月8日,英国哲学家。他为人所共知的就是“社会达尔文主义之父”,所提出一套的学说把进化理论“适者生存”应用在社会学,尤其是教育及阶级斗争。但是,他的著作对很多课题都有贡献,包括规范、形而上学、宗教、政治、修辞、生物和心理学等等。在斯宾塞的时代存在许多著名哲学家和科学家,譬如约翰·斯图亚特·穆勒、托马斯·亨利·赫胥黎和查尔斯·达尔文都是当代知名的人物。