• 作者:Tim Bale Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser
  • 分类: 政治学

n spite of the fact that Conservative, Christian democratic and Liberal parties continue to play a crucial role in the democratic politics and governance of every Western European country, they are rarely paid the attention they deserve. This cutting-edge comparative collection, combining qualitative case studies with large-N quantitative analysis, reveals a mainstream right sq...


n spite of the fact that Conservative, Christian democratic and Liberal parties continue to play a crucial role in the democratic politics and governance of every Western European country, they are rarely paid the attention they deserve. This cutting-edge comparative collection, combining qualitative case studies with large-N quantitative analysis, reveals a mainstream right squeezed by the need to adapt to both 'the silent revolution' that has seen the spread of postmaterialist, liberal and cosmopolitan values and the backlash against those values – the 'silent counter-revolution' that has brought with it the rise of a myriad far right parties offering populist and nativist answers to many of the continent's thorniest political problems. What explains why some mainstream right parties seem to be coping with that challenge better than others? And does the temptation to ride the populist wave rather than resist it ultimately pose a danger to liberal democracy?

Provides readers with detailed portraits of the mainstream right across Western Europe

Details the contemporary challenge posed by the rise of the populist radical right to the mainstream right's continued ability to develop workable policy, to retain office, and to win votes

Offers an integrated approach that allows more rigorous and fruitful comparisons

Tim Bale, Queen Mary University of London

Tim Bale is an expert on European politics and political parties. He won the UK Political Studies Association's W.J.M. Mackenzie prize for his book The Conservative Party from Thatcher to Cameron (2010) and is a frequent contributor to broadcast, print and social media in both Britain and beyond.

Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser, Universidad...


Tim Bale, Queen Mary University of London

Tim Bale is an expert on European politics and political parties. He won the UK Political Studies Association's W.J.M. Mackenzie prize for his book The Conservative Party from Thatcher to Cameron (2010) and is a frequent contributor to broadcast, print and social media in both Britain and beyond.

Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser, Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago

Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser is an expert on populism, who has held visiting appointments at Nuffield College, Sciences Po, the Social Science Research Centre Berlin (WZB) and Uppsala University. He is the co-author of the book Populism. A Very Short Introduction (with Cas Mudde, 2017) which has been translated into more than ten languages.


Tim Bale, Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser, Eelco Harteveld, Tarik Abou-Chadi, Werner Krause, Reinhard Heinisch, Annika Werner, Jocelyn Evans, Gilles Ivaldi, Sarah E. Wiliarty, Pietro Castelli Gattinara, Caterina Froio, Stijn van Kessel, Sonia Alonso, Bonnie N. Field, Anders Ravik Jupskås, Richard Hayton