• 作者:Zizek, Slavoj
  • 分类: 电影

Hitchcock gets onto the analyst's couch in this extraordinary volume of case studies. The contributors bring to bear an unrivalled enthusiasm and theoretical sweep on the entire Hitchcock oeuvre, from "Rear Window" to "Psycho", which is shown to be an exemplary source of postmodern defamiliarization. Starting from the premise that 'everything has meaning', the authors analyze t...


Hitchcock gets onto the analyst's couch in this extraordinary volume of case studies. The contributors bring to bear an unrivalled enthusiasm and theoretical sweep on the entire Hitchcock oeuvre, from "Rear Window" to "Psycho", which is shown to be an exemplary source of postmodern defamiliarization. Starting from the premise that 'everything has meaning', the authors analyze the films' ostensible narrative content and formal procedures to discover a rich proliferation of ideological and psychic mechanisms at work. But Hitchcock is also a bait to lure the reader into a serious Marxist and Lacanian exploration of the construction of meaning. An extraordinary landmark in Hitchcock studies, this edition features a brand new essay by Slavoj A iA ek.

斯拉沃热·齐泽克(Slavoj Zizek),斯洛文尼亚卢布尔雅那大学社会学和哲学高级研究员,拉康传统最重要的继承人,他长期致力于沟通拉康精神分析理论与马克思主义哲学,将精神分析、主体性、意识形态和大众文化熔于一炉,形成了极为独特的学术思想和政治立场,成为20世纪90年代以来最为耀眼的国际学术明星之一,被一些学者称为黑格尔式的思想家。他曾任法国巴黎第八大学、美国明尼苏达大学、哥伦比亚大学、普林斯顿大学等许多知名高等院校的访问教授、活跃于各种哲学、精神分析和文化批评国际学术讨论会,所到之处儿乎都引起广泛的注意。詹姆逊说他“发出了一种不平常的声音,我们将在今后数年内反复聆听”。伊格尔顿评价他是欧洲近十年来最重要的思想家之一。