"A remarkable achievement...vivid...fluent, graceful.... A publishing event."—Boston Globe In this widely acclaimed history of modern China, Jonathan Spence achieves a fine blend of narrative richness and efficiency. Praised as "a miracle of readability and scholarly authority," (Jonathan Mirsky) The Search for Modern China offers a matchless introduction to China's history....


"A remarkable achievement...vivid...fluent, graceful.... A publishing event."—Boston Globe In this widely acclaimed history of modern China, Jonathan Spence achieves a fine blend of narrative richness and efficiency. Praised as "a miracle of readability and scholarly authority," (Jonathan Mirsky) The Search for Modern China offers a matchless introduction to China's history.

史景迁(Jonathan D. Spence),1936年出生于英国,是国际知名的中国近现代史专家,1965—2008年在美国耶鲁大学历史系任教。著作极丰,主要有《追寻现代中国》、《雍正王朝之大义觉迷》、《太平天国》、《改变中国》、《曹寅与康熙》、《康熙》、《天安门》、《大汗之国:西方眼中的中国》、《王氏之死》、《利玛窦的记忆宫殿》、《胡若望的疑问》。