
Ceres Solver 是一个可移植的 C++ 库,可用来建模并解决大型复杂的非线性最小二乘问题。它的显著特性如下:

• A simple, expressive API | 简单易读的 API

• Automatic differentiation | 自动微分

• Robust loss functions | 稳健的损失函数

• Local parameterizations | 局部参数

• A threaded Jacobian evaluators and linear solvers

• Dense QR factorization (using Eigen) for small problems

• Sparse Cholesky factorization (using SuiteSparse) for large sparse problems

• Specialized solvers for problems in 3D computer vision  | 三维计算机视觉中的问题的特定解决方案

• A liberal license (New BSD)

• Scales from servers to cell phones.

转载自: https://www.oschina.net/p/ceres+solver